Kraj Vysočina: Young people in the Vysočina Region not only plan, but also implement their projects 
The Children and Youth Council of the Vysočina Region (RDMKV), the Healthy Cities of the Czech Republic (HCCZ) and the Healthy Vysočina Region joined forces and set off on Vysočina activities for more significant engagement of young people in public life. School forums are not discussions on pre-prepared topics or documents. Their goal is to get the widest possible feedback from children and young people, ideas for improving the given school, but especially also their city or town. What is new is that young people can get suitable funding for their ideas thanks to support from the "Youth for Region" program. In addition, thanks to the weekend training, they will learn how to prepare, implement and finance these projects.
Basic information
Name of the city/town/region: | Vysočina Region |
Surname, firstname: | Burda, Jan |
Organization: | Rada dětí a mládeže kraje Vysočina, z.s. |
E-mail: | |
Phone: | 777750131 |
Subject: | Komunikace mezi veřejnou správou, občany a dalšími subjekty, participace |
Description and outputs |
Describe the main purpose / aim of your activity / project. What were its side effects or secondary results? | In March 2023, "school forums" were held at five secondary schools in the Vysočina region. Their purpose was to encourage the young generation to be actively involved in the development of their school and the place where they live. The events followed on from dozens of similar Healthy Cities events, municipalities and city regions throughout the Czech Republic, but here in the Vysočina region, a significant innovation was added - finance and concrete cooperation for the implementation of ideas. 5 events took place in Havlickuv Brod, Trebic and Pacov. Their goal was to involve students in joint decision-making about school and city priorities. Students learned not only about discussion, argumentation and decision-making about priorities and options, but also the financing and implementation of ideas/projects, thanks to the connection with the Youth for the region program. As part of the piloting of school forums in Vysočina, there were several fundamental connections that gave school forums a new and interesting dimension: 1. School forums took place in secondary schools where there is a school student parliament, which is involved in the emerging Student Parliament of the Vysočina Region. This results in a gradual continuity of students' work from the school to the regional level.
2. The students were given the opportunity to implement their priorities which made it into the TOP10 - to obtain funds for implementation within the Youth for region. This connection is important because it tells the students - if you come up with an interesting project, you can immediately take responsibility for its implementation. As part of a weekend training implemented by the Vysočina Council of Children and Youth, the students then prepared and defended their projects and subsequently obtained funding for implementation. For the year 2023, 26 projects were supported in this way in an average amount of approx. 20,000/project - samples here:
All school forums were held in cooperation with HCCZ, the Council of Children and Youth of the Vysočina Region and the Vysočina Region. A representative of the given city (HEalthy City coordinator or a member of the city council) always attended. As part of the guided discussion, the students defined TOP10 topics for the school and TOP10 topics for the city. All topics were recorded and forwarded to representatives of the school and the city for further resolution, the topics should be evaluated at the next school forum in a year. In this way, young people will take away not only the fact that they were able to get involved, come up with something and implement their ideas, which is already happening in many places, for example with participatory budgets, but also that it is necessary to stand up for your idea, realistically plan and actively put it into practice. Young people will learn a lot in this way, including how to write a project, account for money and so on, which will surely be very useful for them in their future life." |
Is the activity related to any of your strategical document? | ano |
Were the implemented activities documented? | A list of topics was created from each school forum, which was provided to representatives of the school and the city. |
Start of activity: | 01.02.2023 |
End of activity: | 01.12.2023 |
Attachment | PPT prezentace k aktivitě pdf (1,32 MB) Výsledky - Katolické Gymnázium Třebíč pdf (430 kB) Výsledky - Obchodní akademie Třebíč pdf (435 kB) Výsledky - SZS, VOSZ Havl. Brod pdf (433 kB) Výsledky- Gymnázium Pacov pdf (437 kB) |
How was the activity funded? | HCCZ financed methodical cooperation and facilitation of events. Other follow-ups, such as a weekend to finalize projects and the actual financing of their implementation, were supported by the Youth for the Region program in cooperation with the Vysočina Children and Youth Council. |
Recommendations and inspiration |
What recommendations / advice can be deduced from the implementation of your activities and provided to other municipalities with a similar intention? | Linking with the Youth for Region program (implemented by regional councils for children and youth in individual regions) is very suitable. More at . This will allow students not only to come up with topics and priorities, but also give them the opportunity to implement their ideas. In this way, they learn to take responsibility for their own actions and also to see things through. The connection with regional councils for children and youth is very beneficial in this aspect (more at |
Describe the main strengths of your activity / project during its realization? | The connection of several organizations with the same interest in the implementation of the activity - HCCZ, the Council of Children and Youth of the Vysočina Region and the Vysočina Region - brought new ideas, impulses and, above all, concrete results in the form of completed projects and acquired experience for young project implementers. |
Describe the main weaknesses of your activity / project during its realization? | The position of the facilitator plays a big role. On some forums, there were attempts by school representatives to influence the students' discussion and reject some proposals straight away - without discussion. This can be a weakness. If the facilitator fails to eliminate these efforts, it can significantly discourage students from further work. It is therefore strongly recommended to secure an external facilitator for the following years as well, as both teachers and school pupils have a different approach to work. |
Monitoring and evaluation |
Has the impact of the implemented activity / project been measured and evaluated in any way? | The evaluation will take place at the next school forum (usually in a year). There, progress on the TOP10 topics will be evaluated. |
Do you plan to further develop/maintain the activity/project? | We assume the realization of further school forums within the Vysočina region in the coming months. |
Media, promotion |
How was the communication with the media and what were the media outcomes? | The events were promoted on social networks ( In Havlíčková Brod, there was also a report for the local media ( at 5:45) |
Partakers |
Name: | Rada dětí a mládeže kraje Vysočina, z.s. |
Company number or other registration data: | 265 24 783 |
Address: | Fr. Hrubína 753, Třebíč |
Another partakers |
Název: | Národní síť Zdravých měst ČR |
IČO nebo jiný registrační údaj: | 61385247 |
Adresa: | Na Poříčí 12, Praha 1 |
Web: | |
Name: | Gymnázium Havlíčkův Brod |
Company number or other registration data: | 60126621 |
Address: | Štáflova 2063 580 01 Havlíčkův Brod |
Web: | |
Name: | SZŠ a VOŠZ Havlíčkův Brod |
Company number or other registration data: | 00581119 |
Address: | Masarykova 2033 580 02 Havlíčkův Brod |
Web: | |
Name: | Gymnázium Pacov |
Company number or other registration data: | 03620280 |
Address: | Hronova 1079, 395 01 Pacov |
Web: | |
Name: | Katolické gymnázium Třebíč |
Company number or other registration data: | 44065663 |
Address: | Otmarova 30/22 |
Web: | |